Exciting news!!

We now have naturally cured bacon!!!!!! (cured using celery seed)

Also, farmers markets are over for the season, but you can still find us in Potsdam every Saturday in the Main Street Parking lot by Ives Park near the pavilion from 10am until noon

​​Did you know?

  • ​​Our pigs are home grown and fed a healthy, balanced diet including corn, soy, and important vitamins and minerals. 
  • Our cows are mainly grass fed but are supplemented with NON-GMO corn that we grow and grind ourselves, along with necessary vitamins and minerals. 
  • We do not feed antibiotics nor do we use ANY hormones on ANY of our animals (Pigs, cows, or chickens!!).
  • We do our best to keep them healthy naturally and they are all raised in a pleasant environment that we’d be happy to show you. 

Happy, well cared for and well fed creatures make delicious food! :)